A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Unlikely considering how animation is seen across the western/European world. They would probably keep making cartoons for children with stuff like Masha and The Bear being popular international cartoons like Peppa-Pig.

They did have such an industry OTL so they should have one at this point. Again a lot of mods leading to a lot of FPS, RTS, and RPG clones. Probably the successor to the original Fallout will be made considering how Fallout went before Bethesda.
Also, I think that Russian post-apo genre would be also very popular with titles such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Metro and a few other. Also I believe that more games like Atomic Hearth would come out in the near future. And of course, more games rooted in Russian or Slavic themes like the Witcher would be very popular both in the West and East.
No, Ima huge fan of Fallout series, so it will be in TTL no matter what XD
Damn it, was hoping Bethesda doesn't get it since Black Isle/Interplay was already making Fallout 3 (Which became known as Van Buren) and a Fallout MMO before 76 when Bethesda had half of the rights but they "persuaded" them to stop and took all the rights from Black Isle...
I do believe that Russia will have a larger and more intense anime/manga scene considering Russia is surprisingly close to Japan by the way of Sakhalin and Vladivostok.

This will likely lead to Russia to have a major influencer culture later on since there will be a more serious cosplay scene which would lay the groundwork for greater Russian influence on the internet.

Actually making Vladivostok a major area for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean tourism should be a major objective for Russia so they can get revenue and cultural soft power. Maybe some sort of Russian stereotype theme park, or an anime theme park. Really not sure what Vladivostok has in terms of entertainment/tourism.
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Damn it, was hoping Bethesda doesn't get it since Black Isle/Interplay was already making Fallout 3 (Which became known as Van Buren) and a Fallout MMO before 76 when Bethesda had half of the rights but they "persuaded" them to stop and took all the rights from Black Isle...
Wait, I misunderstood you. Yes, Fallout won't fall under Bethesda in TTL.
It's alright if we write our own entries for the TL? If so I would add something pop-culture related along with some other major entertainment topics later when I get the chance.
Wait, I misunderstood you. Yes, Fallout won't fall under Bethesda in TTL.
Ah ok, sorry for the misunderstanding since I'm a huge Fallout fan as well but the way Bethesda (aka Zenimax) has has handled the series since Fallout 4 imo (voiced protagonist, Mass Effect dialogue wheel, destroying the lore, etc.)... yeah.
Ah ok, sorry for the misunderstanding since I'm a huge Fallout fan as well but the way Bethesda (aka Zenimax) has has handled the series since Fallout 4 imo (voiced protagonist, Mass Effect dialogue wheel, destroying the lore, etc.)... yeah.
But Fallout New Vegas must happen, but this time the creators will have enough time and money to polish their product.
Well this does lead the question of who buys interplay since their parent company was having some major financial troubles and I do not think Fallout doing better would fix that.
I mean unfortunately Fallout and most CRPGs were not that popular so I do not think Microsoft would care especially since they are pushing for the Xbox and not the computer market at least in terms of video games.
Honestly, it would be interesting to do a "Our Fallout" as a way to change either of the factions like the NCR, Legion, and the like.
From Vladivostok with Love part 1
From Vladivostok with Love part 1

As Russian economic power grew so did its demand for global entertainment which lead to a major rise of piracy across the nation as demand exceeded supply as licensing was limited to a few companies and even then official products were mostly expensive to purchase let alone translate. It was withing this environment that the Love Japan group was formed during 1993, a group of about a dozen enthusiasts and nerds located in Moscow who would illegally translate and distribute manga and fansubs around friends and other enthusiasts at first but would increasingly sell their work to the general public. Wishing to expand their operations Love Japan would move to Vladivostok where they would move to become official distributors with such works as Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Ranma ½, Urusei Yatsura, Mobile Suit Gundam, and Sailor Moon and Neon Genesis Evangelion along with many others.

In fact it was the publishing and success of Sailor Moon and Neon Genesis Evangelion in 1995 that truly changed things as anime/manga as a whole gained a major popularity boost across Russia leading to an increase in demand for anime/manga and the major rise of the anime/manga fandom which lead to the creation of fanworks and cosplay. This would lead Love Japan to create their own convention in the city of Vladivostok with Vladi-Con 1995 being announced. The convention would be held and quickly become a major success as prior to the convention the Cool Vladivostok advertisement campaign was held across Japan which promoted the convention and Vladivostok as a whole with the cheap prices being a major emphasis in marketing.

The convention would quickly have over 20,000 people attending with many of the local hotels being booked and most cases packed with many people transforming their homes and properties as temporary hotels with many business taking advantage to sell as much food and anime/manga inspired merch as they could. While Vladi-Con 1995 would eventually end the entire region would continue to promote itself as a major area for the Anime/Manga market/consumers as the city wished to keep the success from Vladi-Con going.

To say this was a surprise in Moscow as an understatement with most politicians having no real clue what Anime/manga was and why people even cared to actually watch and spend absurd amounts of money for it. This was especially notable with official relations between Moscow and Tokyo being frosty with current land disputes still being a major issue. Either way some concessions were made as President Fyodorov wished to transform Vladivostok into a major economic zone. This would lead him to create the Vladivostok Economic Development Treaty which gave Vladivostok some economic freedoms to entice Japanese tourism although any major national investment between Russia/Japan would be limited as only personal investment would be taken which would matter little as Vladivostok managed to develop from the civilian/entertainment investment and revenue alone.

Major personal investment from the Japanese was acquired as hotels, restaurants, and shops would open up across the city, while the new Vladivostok International Airport was constructed, with the entire thing being covered in Anime styling as just about every business had someone cosplaying as the most popular anime/manga character at that point. This lead to the cities population to explode the Japanese Boom occurred which was mostly a major rise in Japanese migration to the city as many took advantage of the cheap housing prices, differences between the Yen and Ruble, and the major push by the city to accommodate Japanese tourists to migrate and stay full time. With Vladi-Con continuing the Otaku would become one of the more noticeable demographic in the city as they were targeted as a major consumer demographic due to their willingness to expend large sums of money while visiting or living there further transforming the city into a place for Japanese/East Asian entertainment.

Since then the city has become known as the major area for entertainment as thousands moved in to take advantage of the growth and rising market with East Asia as a whole with Vladivostok going from a city of about 600,000 to over 1.5 million by 2000 with it becoming the one of the largest Japanese Diaspora population outside of Japan/Brazil with the further growth projected in the future especially as R-Pop and the fashion/surgery scene grows along with the city.

I hope this does not conflict with previous turns, as I will change things if they do conflict.
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