What Mistress Boleyn Wants (Mistress Boleyn Gets)

As a DnD player, I both love and hate Gaming Dice. They allow us to experience wonderful things, but they will betray you every possible chance they can get!
While I don't always l Iike the outcome here; I love the challenges presented by them. It forces me to adapt, just like in real life.
I rolled on the girls I found, but the GD do not want Marie's son to deviate from OTL. Asked too soon. However, the newly-widowed Duke of Northumberland needs a new wife. [He's got, I believe - I'm too lazy to go get the folder - only one son left.]
I've been down with a migraine for what seems FOREVER. Had one day of peace and now the bastard is back!!!!

I'm trying to figure out who poor Algernon should wed. The wedding wiil be between six and eighteen months after his wife's death. I'm just thinking in a post. Haven't rolled the Dice on anything.

Algernon will have his 25th birthday in 1550. [It seems like he should older, ya know?

I've idly thought about Lady Christina Gray [OTL Jane]; she will be 12 in October. (I can hear ya'll "eeewwwwing" from here, shush your mouths, we're in the middle of the 16th century, remember. Her mother Frances, eldest daughter of the Duke of Suffolk is married to Henry, 3rd Marquess of Dorset and both are very ambitious.

I was going to put up a couple of others up and dicuss their pros and cons, but it's taken nearly hour for this last paragraph. The meds are kicking! I'm happy.

If anyone with ideas can post others [marriage date change or the marriage forgone, death postponed - or, in th e case of an inconvenient hubby, brought forward.]

Post here or pm me. Post here would probably be best.
Wait, what? The first thing I write is I'm having little respite from chronic migraines and I get LIKES?!? Yikes!

Not serious. Both vandevere & Ogrebear are faithful readers [and correcters of my errors. 🤭]
Random wandering on the internet have brought me the following possibilities for the next Duchess of Nothumberland:

1. Lady Christina [otl Jane] Grey, b. 12 Oct 1537 [she's young, but is the Henry IX's first cousin on his father's side & also Charles Brandon's granddaughter]

2. Elisabeth Brooke, b. 25 June 1526. [OTL she was a frisky lass, and married William Parr and popped out two children with him, all before his marriage to Anne Bourchier was dissolved]

3. Anne Basset b. 1520 [OTL she was the first Basset sister in service to a Queen - Jane]

4. Katherine Basset b. 1522

5. Jane Radcliffe b. 1532

6. Magdalen Dacre b. 1538 [Not quite street legal, but will be if Algernon takes a full year of morning.]

What'd ya think 🤔? Feel free to add your two cents or pence. Or come up with others.

The Gaming Dice are waiting.
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I mean, Elisabeth Brooke is a comfortable age, without being much older, unlike Anne Bassett,and she clearly brings the option of scandal with her.... She's my pick!
Remember, it will likely be Anne herself doing the vetting and tradionally [even now] women are the harshest judges of other women.
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Oh! I got a set of tarot cards to figure out how they work and I'm gonna see in they can be used a la the Gaming Dice. [Next comes runes, then possibly I Ching, one new thing to research & learn at a time!]
23 January 1550
Regency Council Meeting 23 January 1550

It was the Duke of Suffolk's turn to chair, which meant a much more relaxed atmosphere and a happier King Henry IX. He positively hated it when the Archbishop was in charge, although he prayed to open the meeting.

"We have two letters that need to be addressed," Charles began, only to have Anne interrupt him.

"I have received a letter from the Dowager," she explained. "We have three to address."
23 January 1550: First Letter [Henry, Duke of Norfolk
23 January 1550

The tone of the new Duke of Norfolk's was uneven. He reported the there had been a great deal of activity in the nearby French troops. The first item of interest was that the French encampment had been moved away to other side of a small hill. He and his officers discussed the real possibility concerned that King Henri II was perhaps going to try to take action against Calais while France going to check the Spanish in Navarre.

This worry was greatly alleviated when Norfolk's 'bed warmer', Guyonne, a young woman French who who was trading secrets to the English [and her favors only with the Duke] informed him that her youngest brother and her grandfather had been forced to don French uniforms and to play soldier with only two real officers left to supervise their 'troops'.

Two reconnaissance missions confirmed that the 15-year-olds information was almost perfectly accurate. Instead of two soldiers, there one angry Captain, furious that his command consisted of local civilians; the younger men were completely untrained, insolent, and angry that they were being kept from home while older ones were truly older: several of them were cripples, others hard of hearing, and all as angry and sullen as the youths also conscripted for the farce.

Nevertheless, the Duke recommended keeping troops in Calais.

The council agreed with the Duke's recommendation and were about to draft a reply when the young king asked the Archbishop "Why does His Grace the Duke of Norfolk need a bed-warmer? Do not the solders in Calais have enough blankets?

The rest of the council allowed the clergyman to handle the query, as they were suddenly busy with the papers before each of them.
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I don't know what he said, because I'm not a celibate Roman Catholic priest. I'm not even a priestess, and definitely not Roman Catholic.
I don't know what he said, because I'm not a celibate Roman Catholic priest. I'm not even a priestess, and definitely not Roman Catholic.
Roman Catholic priests of that era may have been unmarried (celibate) but not necessarily chaste (refraining from sex). An Archbishop might well have a quasi official mistress.