If Rasputin Survives, What Effect On Bolshevik Revolution?

An ally on the Bloc game website asked us a question on the thread where we were discussing alternate history. I thought it was interesting and so I put it here so that folks who know more than I do can look at it.

"If Rasputin had survived, do you think the Bolshevik Revolution would have turned out the same way?"
Bugger all I'd expect. Considering that the communists weren't exactly all that hot to on the church begin with and how linked to the royal family he was my best guess is that he winds up in Yekaterinburg with them and ends up suffering the same fate as IIRC the servants that had gone with them were also killed.
Bugger all I'd expect. Considering that the communists weren't exactly all that hot to on the church begin with and how linked to the royal family he was my best guess is that he winds up in Yekaterinburg with them and ends up suffering the same fate as IIRC the servants that had gone with them were also killed.

Agree. I don't see anything else option. Another question is how many bullets they need. :D
This is a dream come true for the Bolsheviks in particular, but also for the Whites that aren't all that fond of the Tsar.


-A contemporary cartoon

This is pretty much the perception of Rasputin as seen by the Russian elites and quite a large amount of the common people. The Bolsheviks could very easily co-opt anti-Rasputin sentiments to illustrate how decadent and corrupt the old system was, they did this IOTL, and would do it even more so in a scenario where Rasputin survives.
Not much,he'll just be killed by someone else. No one save Alexandra, her children and some of the people Rasputin was able to get into power liked him at all.
They would probably have him shot. If he had any sense he'd have fled the country.

Oh he probably would have tried too. The second his life was on the line I see him high tailing it out of there. He'd probably get caught by a mob and suffer some gruesome fate.
They would probably have him shot. If he had any sense he'd have fled the country.

I agree he'd try to flee the country or, failing that, disappear into the Siberian back-country but I doubt they would have had him shot; nothing less than dynamite would have worked on him :D