2001: A Space-Time Odyssey - Solo Mission

I see you too watched Journey to the Far Side of the Sun.....
Decent concept,not so decent execution
I could not resist the temptation
the Hardware in Movie is fantastic, sadly the execution of film was more a execution...
Lucky the TV Series UFO was far better (who reused allot of material of that Movie)
there will more reference coming...
Post 67 - The State of the World in 1990s

Looking back on 75 Years of Revolution.

…The Communist Revolution was necessary, it replace the oppressive Tsar system.
What enslaves the Workers, until Lenin start the glorious Revolution and liberated the workers.
Yes, mistakes were made, like raise of Josep Stalin to power, the political purges, the Holodomor.
But then came the great patriotic war, as Nazis try to exterminate us Soviets.
Yes it was Stalin who save us, but with grate sacrifices in Blood, he made of USSR a superpower !
After his dead, we needed to rebuild the communist order from ruins of war and Stalin bloodshed.

it was the Great Nikita Khrushchev, who on Stalin ruins build, a new better communist World.
Khrushchev open gates of heaven and send Soviets into cosmos,
We Soviets were first in Space, first on Moon, We show the world what Communism is capable !
under former Secretary Gorbachev the USSR started a new exciting era towards Utopia for Workers…

Part of Speech held by new General Secretary of Communist Party, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova
on 75th anniversary of USSR in 1992.

The USSR became in 1990s one of fast growing economies in World, fast they became the number two behind the USA.
But Communism with capitalist economy brought problems: the rise of the Supersrich.
Not only was this contradictory to Marxist-Leninist doctrine, they make trouble in the workers paradise.
Bragging about wealth and living a decadent lifestyle was one thing, the other was criminal activity, or worse, taking action against the Soviet state!
The KGB had a handful of dealings with oligarchs, who belonged to the Russian mafia or wanted to become the ruler of USSR, like Neo-tsarists or democrats.
One of those Oligarch is the eccentric Timofey Yakovlev Kurdin, owner of RRK Kurdin, better know as Kurdin Heavy Industry in West.
A Spaceflight fanatic, rejected as Cosmonaut, became aerospace engineer, used Gorbachev reforms to gain his first Company and became very rich.
notorious known for his contradictory attitude, were he condemn capitalism and praise communism, while being one of the riches men in USSR !
Also he obsess by Spaceflight, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic and Chess, what he single handily push to new levels in USSR.
He became very good friend of General Secretary Tereshkova and enjoys a certain freedom of doing, under KGB.
Kurdin manage in record time of five years, to develop and build the modular Energia launch system.
Kurdin in one of his notorious interview with Western journalist

Another issue KGB has end of Project Ideological Subversion, on direct order of General Secretary Tereshkova.
This was Long term 1970s program to infiltrate wester nations, demoralising & destabilising them with leftist Ideology until the states collapse, then rebuild them as Soviets states in 2020s.
The need of Ideological intact USA and Western Nations als Allies, against hostile China, was vital for survival of USSR.
But Tereshkova allow the KGB to experiment on other nations, mostly potential clients for China nuclear help.

Cold War is over, …Right?, …RIGHT ? ?
It took a while for both enemies, to realised the Harsch Realty, what to expect with Nuclear War.
As American and Soviet scientist discover independently the concept of Nuclear Winter end of 1980s.
The large scale destruction of cities with nuclear weapons would release so much smoke, slug and ash.
That Sky is block by dark clouds, cooling down Earth for months, starving and killing the survivors.
But the results were harsh criticised, but there were historical evidence like Volcanic winter of 1815 and 1830
Also the archaeological evidence that Dinosaur were wipe out by Asteroid, that provoke also deadly Winter.
Allot effort went into computer simulation to prove or disprove the Nuclear Winter, only to find their worst fear confirmed.

General Sectary Gorbachev pulled the plug out arms race of both superpower, Is better not play this game he stated.
President Bush and General Sectary Gorbachev sign the SALT III Treaty on nuclear disarmament in 1990, (both got Nobel Peace Price in 1991)
Follow by SALT IV under General Sectary Tereshkova and President Bush in 1995.
But would normalised this relations between the Superpowers ?, actually no.
There were still rivalry and quarrels of various kind and there was China, under new rule,
Shifted into orthodox Stalinism and expand aggressively into World.
Under Doktrin of „Glorious new age for China“

The NATO, Warsaw-Union and there Asia Allies look nervously on this development
President Bush push for production of stealth B-2 Bomber and more Hercules Platforms
The B-2 was revolutionarily because it could not be detected by Radar

While the USSR push their program for stealth Bomber,
Armed either four KH-45 hypersonic missiles or conventional Cruise Missiles or bombs up to 45 tons
Also began US-Soviet talks about orbital platform to defend them self and what weapons were allowed under SALT IV.
Were the outer space treaty was modified for instalment of Nuclear weapons on Orbital Platforms for defence only.

Also started the Soviet leadership a cleanup in Red Army, after fiasco of Gulf War were soviet tactics failed under Iraq Army.
Under Gorbachev, continue under Tereshkova, start to send old Marshals and Generals into retirement and new generation of military came to power.
ones with new ideas…

The Chinese Looming Collapse
For the People Republic of China, things were not looking good in 1990s,
The Nation was now ruled under orthodox ideological Communism, this hamper the Economic and agriculture deeply, just like in People Republic of Korea.
in harsh Contrast to USSR and East block, who had Economic Boom, actually China was depending on Imports of USSR !
Also let uncontrolled population rise to 1.3 Billion Chinese to serious problems.
The Foot shortage let to „Meat less Day“ initiative were Chinese were force one day in week to eat only vegetarian dish.
The current orthodox Communist leaders of China blaming late chairman Lin Biao 1960s reforms as cause of all today problems.
With return to Stalinism a la Mao Zedong, they try to get total control over their problems.
And introduce new and brutal population control of „One Child Policy“ and death penalty for minor violating of the laws,
The Chinese Politburo hope to get population problems this way under control.

Next to that had China expensive military intervention in Afghanistan, a brutal intervention on edge of genocide.
and in Cold war with India, one expensive program to dam several rivers in Tibet, to hamper the water supply to India.
Another issue of China launching their own Orbital weapon platforms and there nuclear export
Also developed China, a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System similar to one the USSR hat tested in 1970s

In order to get Food and certain raw material or political strategic position, China offers Nuclear weapons !
First of those clients was Pakistan, the Enemy of India, China made package deal with government Pakistan in end of 1980s.
In Exchange for Chinese nuclear Weapons, Pakistan abandon the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and deliver food to China.
with success of Pakistan deal, China look for other Nation that offers needed good in exchange for Chinese Nukes.
But the Chinese were not stupid, there Weapon system were manned by Chinese personal and there officers had there orders,
In case there Clients „get litte bit funny in there heads“…

But this lead to Iran nuclear weapon program, joining the club of nations with weapon of mass-destruction.

National Crisis
Yugoslavia economic profit under Khrushchev 1960s reforms in East block, but Swiss nuclear test change that in 1976.
Marshal Tito order nuclear program for bombs and it delivery systems, the program got high priority, after Warsaw Union invaded Rumania to end their program on weapons of mass destruction.
Yugoslavia endure political turmoil after dead of Marshal Tito, End 1980s Yugoslavia conduct there first nuclear test, leading to International protest and UN Boycott,

But their Atom-bombs needed delivery systems in form of rocket and bomber, here thing went wrong,
Do UN Boycott and the 1980s economic crisis in USSR, Yugoslavia start economic decline. ignored by fast succession of leaders of Yugoslavia.
The following economic crisis let cancelation of multi combat aircraft Novi Avion and ballistic missile veliki vulkan and only few warhead were build,

The socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia start to crumble, in wake of crisis Nationalism rise, soon follow by racism ugly face !
While Serbian studies claims they were discriminate in Yugoslavia, began in other member states develop a „Serbophobia“.
in this two fractions crystallised:
Slovenian and Croatian fraction that wanted confederation of Yugoslavia, while the Serbs fraction wanted total dominance over Yugoslavia under Serb rule !
This accumulated in 14th congress of union of Yugoslavia communist in1990, were the members states issue there complaints and demands,
The head of the Presidency Milan Pancvski close the congress do turmoil and dispute, announcing he would work on matter, this never happen,
Several days later it was Public announce President Pancvski retire do health issue and National Security Council would temporarily replace the Government!
At first was confusion in Yugoslavia about this National Security Council and who their member were ?

It was Yugoslavia Military, here some one had brains to realised, the political situation would end in bloody civil war.
They not only acted in self-interest, but also on Marshal Tito behalf, who left continuity plan behind: „Apsolutno Jedinstvo
He knew that after his death, Yugoslavia would face this kind of problems, and wanted his political legacy namely Yugoslavia, survive the test of time.

On emergency congress of union of Yugoslavia, the Military declare the situation:
There will be no dissolution of Yugoslavia, either domination by one of it member states,
If necessary will Yugoslavia People’s Army will use force and every available weapons, even their small nuclear Arsenal.
The Military start arrested extremist and Nationalist on all side of conflict like Franjo Tuđman or Slobodan Milošević
That multinational State result to Nuclear black mail to keep nation together was Unique in history…
…but it worked !

The U.N. NATO and Warsaw-Union watch careful on this development in Yugoslavia.

Republic of South Africa
In end of 1980s the Apartheid system was crumbling, the African National Congress (ANC) fight with growing success against the racist system.
The Government in 1990 released Nelson Mandela from Prison, in hope for peaceful solution,
But once free, Mandela announced he would take ANC leadership and continue his Communist doctrine, since the Soviets were successful.
This made allot in the ruling party nervous, on the other side was power struggles between ethnic groups, about who will represented the Black africans.
Also their force Communist agenda supported by Moscow frighten allot people.

Like the „Konserwatiewe Party“ under Clive Derby-Lewis, advocate for Apartheid and Anti-Communist.
He united allot Far right bystanders and former special Police C1 members, wanted for crimes against humanity.
Also the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Far Right Paramilitary organisation join them,
They conspired the murder of Anti-Apartheid supporters and Black political leaders.

10 April 1991, became know as Black Saturday
As several men commit murder attempt on several South African Politicians with success,
Chis Hani, Nelson Mandela died, bishop Tutu badly wounded, after that the situation escalated.

The hope the multinational state transform to free and liberal Society, ended in bloody Civil war.
for next six years South Africa became a Hellhole
The Nation got divided into, west the Cape Republic with mostly white and color Population around Capital Cape Town
and in East a nation with only native Africans, called IRiphabuliki with capital Egoli (former Johannesburg)
The first victims were the Boers under Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging they were exterminated by sheer mass of africans,
who could escape this flew, west wards to Cape region.
The victorious Zulus were unable to keep living standards in IRiphabuliki , what descent fast into poverty and chaos,
This let to increase of Pirates on East South Africa shore, were Africans attack cargo ships and Ocean liners!
This let the biggest disaster in marine shipping as group Zulus pirates highjacked a nuclear power Container ship,
Not understanding the technology, there action let to massive reactor meltdown in there Harbor !

A fragile Peace agreement were sight in 1997,
What Zulu rulers sign willingly because their had internal problems, they face with poverty and rival ethnic groups of the Batswana, Swazi or Basotho.
The IRiphabuliki Government try to get a deal with China for help, but they had little to offer for the Chinese demands…

But biggest worry the World had was: What happen to rest ABC weapons, South Africa had developed ?
CIA Analyst had indication that Cape Republic sold some of their Mass destruction Weapons to finance their Civi war effort !
But to who ?
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Any ideas for the further commercialization of space flight by the airlines, first use of hibernation on Mars space flights, and the development of AI systems for spacecraft use?
Any ideas for the further commercialization of space flight by the airlines, first use of hibernation on Mars space flights, and the development of AI systems for spacecraft use?
on hybernation,
i look into it, but couldn't find any technology that work, most are theoretical proposals with without testing on Humans.
and those tested din't work, like the use of hormone of hibernation animals

The Soviet work on RD-1000 a laser Fusion drive, if this work, travel time in Solarsystem get to short for need on hybernation .

On AI there will be upcoming Post, were Timofey Kurdin play mayor role.
All ready i noted that AI Pilot is used on Second Generation of US Shuttle Booster.

Commercialisation of Space Flight by Airlines
For moment in TL the private space flight sector is in consolidation
Allot new companies come and go bankrupt, the surviver take their share of the market.
Here the airlines do wait and see, what work, is cheap in operating costs and can fly usual passengers...
For moment suborbital flight for Space Tourist new hype, for people who are physical fit to do trip.
on other side are suborbital passengers flight between continent...
Post 68 Fusion Drive ?

After fiasco of Aelita-1 were Soviet ended second on Marsrace, do lack powerful Ion engines.
The Soviets started a Research and Development on New Nuclear engines.
Soon they drop classical Solid Thermal nuclear Engines design and look for more powerful systems like Gas-core reactors.
looking for engine in range of specific Impulse of 100000 sec minimum, needed for a Jupiter mission.

Another approach was „High Thrust“ ion engine until 1990s the Soviets manage to double their Ion engines thrust by using Hall Effect.

On gas core reactor was already EU-610 program.
in fact since 1970 the Keldysh Center developing a gas core reactor EU-610, who went critical in 1972 and in 1978 reach maximum temperature during test runs.
Instead of solid fuel rod, use this type of reactor, helium mixed with Uranium-fluoride compound in gaseous state,
This allow to operate the Reactor on far higher temperature as conventional nuclear reactors up to 70000 degree Kelvin !
During the 1980s they focus on development for civilian gas core reactor with MHD Generator.
But after Aelita-1 fiasco, EU-610 got in focus of soviet Ministry of Space as Rocket engine RD-0610,

RD-0610 is closed Gas core reactor operating under 100 MPa pressure, using Hydrogen as remass and Lithium for better heat transfer to the Hydrogene,
if you overcome the issue of the highly corrosive Uranium-fluoride compound that damage the reactor core.

Another project is Puls Fission/Fusion Plasma Drive or IPDYS how the Soviet abbreviated it.
Nuclear reactor provide power to make from Deuterium/Helium3 a high energy plasma, that accelerated by magnets.
Theoretical it could reach ISP 12700 sec and even more.
but technical it was not Fusion engine, since it main power comes from nuclear Fission reactor, not by fusion reaction of Plasma !
And the biggest issue with IPDYS was need for Helium3 a very rare isotope of Helium.

Then happen a propulsion break true from project no one expected it.
USSR was Experimenting into Fusion technology, like testing Tokamak reactors under I.E. Tamm and A.D. Sakharov.
But also Inertial confinement Fusion with Laser, the Soviet invested heavy in Lasers during 1980s for ballistic Missile defence.
Based on Work of Polish military engineer General Sylwester Kaliski,
They experimented with pulsed laser boosted to X-ray, but it’s result were disappointed for Missile defence.
But for Fusion experiments this laser was powerful enough, with success able to produce more energy as put in !
It still was long way for working Laser Fusion Reactor for Energy production, but as rocket engine feasible.
So work on RD-1000 or Kalisky’s engine started

In USA had Los Alamos Lab with Timberwind of new generation solid Nuclear thermal engine and we’re thinking in similar lines.
Also more powerful concept were study and tested, like Gascore reactor or Fusion power, also on Magnetoplasmadynamic engines.

Until British Rolls-Royce proposed the Serpent, a Nuclear engine with ArcJet as Afterburner.
Here Lithium is heated by reactor, then give that Heat to Helium what power a Turbine for electric generators, then transfers heat to Hydrogen,
With electricity powers ArcJet in side thrust Chamber full of hot hypogene, now supercharged by electrical arc.
Serpent hat theoretical 40% higher specific Impuls with far higher thrust as nuclear Timberwind engine !
With far lower radioactivity as Timberwind engine, do use of Lithium/Helium cooling to indirect heating Hydrogen,
But Serpent was heavy current study show weight of 45 tons engine, while Los Alamos Laboratory and Rolls-Royce were confident to reduce that mass.
And there was another issue the turbine generator produce the electrical power has capacity far below of reactor output.

But behind scenes, happen sinister plots, the CIA, KGB and China were try get information about the other programs and gain needed technology from other side…
…like Superconductor needed for some engines.
Post 69 Exploration of Solar system

in begin of 1990s under President Bush the planetary program flourish
with programs for Outer planets Orbiter, Mercury Orbiter, a Titan lander

but the following administrations not focus on planetary science and even NASA dit budgets cutting or cancel Programs.
do lack of political interest and need for money for other programs like upcoming space Base or Moon base.
And Ares missions to Mars, who were for moment the only scientific exploration of planet Mars, to make matter worst there is no even clear vision, what to do after end of Ares Program.

Program like Outer planets Orbiter could be saved, do it international collaboration with Germany Confederation
With success of Galileo Jupiter Orbiter, came proposal for Probes with common design, hardware and software, based on Galileo orbiter experience, but with lower cost.
What make the proposal so unique was also collaboration by East Germany scientist and industry that provide hardware and sensors for SOVCOSMOS !

Planned were Four primary and 3 secondary missions:
Jupiter Orbiter with atmospheric probe
Saturn Orbiter with lander for Titan
Uranus Orbiter with atmospheric probe
Neptun Orbiter with atmospheric probe

Comet Rendezvous with Asteroid Flyby
Comet or Asteroid Sample Return mission
Pluto Flyby

The first canceled was Jupiter Orbiter, the Logic of White House and Berlin was there is Galileo Jupiter Orbiter is still operational.
Follow by Pluto Flyby mission and Comet or Asteroid Sample Return mission.
It had some irony that Jupiter Orbiter, was saved by ESRO, who proposed to pay for completion of Probe and Launch under Name Marius.

First to be launch was Cassini toward Saturn, carrying the Huygens lander for Titan.
follow by Herschel with atmospheric probe Bode for Uranus and Adams with atmospheric probe Le Verrier to Neptune.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy-Marsden

This Comet was discover in 1993 near Jupiter as he break up into 21 fragments !
Calculations by Shuichi Nakano show that Comet was rippt into pieces by gravity of Jupiter and fragments will impact the planet on July 1994
Confirming the theory of Yevenly myrgjol Sapozbik about craters of Davy in Mare Nubium. (who Sapozbik personal visit with Soyuz 26 mission in 1974)

A race startet to investigate the event at Jupiter.

The Soviet hat two Gercuels-Yupiter probe in orbit of Moon Europa, but there were primarily Radar scanner to study the ice surface of Europa.
The German/US Probe Galileo orbit Jupiter, it could observe the impacts, but the old probe had also problems: the data Tape recorder began sticking,
refuse to playback Data !

ESRO Probe Marius was still one astronomical unit away from Jupiter, too far for useful investigation.
Pioneer 12 sadly already made it 6th fly by at Jupiter on 1993 February 02 and would return in 1996
while ESRO Solar probe Odysseus would return to Jupiter only in 1999.
The Soviets gave second Gercuels-Yupiter probe new instructions, it shut down radar and reactivate ion engines spiral out Europa orbit, pasting the orbit of Moon Io, into closer orbit on Jupiter.

The Impacts gave Mankind Taste of Armageddon, allot of people look into night sky, wondering „Are we the Next ?“
and Hollywood brought Movies were such asteroid threaten to impact Earth.
Some of those movies frighten politician what let to international project „Spaceguard“. (NASA, SOVCOSMO, ESRO and JASDA under U.N.)
It goal scann the sky for Asteroid that could hit earth and find way to prevent it.

First series of Spaceguard probe were send to various asteroid near Earth and asteroid belt
Remember Comet Rendezvous with Asteroid Flyby proposal ?, NASA built from Spare parts modified outer orbiter for this mission and launch it as Spaceguard 5
With bad surprise, several asteroid are pile of rubble instead of Solid object, what would make interceptions difficult.

Other proposed those pile of rubble could used for mining materials, leaving only smaller remains like slag

Hollywood jump on Media Hype and produce two Movies „Armageddon“ and „Deep Impact“ the typical disaster Movie.
But it was Soviet movie „Flight of Aleita“ by Yuri Pavlovich Moroz, that stole the Show.
It depict a Soviet attempt to stop Asteroid hitting Earth, were it four man crew fight against the Odds and technical failures, in order to succeed at any cost.
What makes „Flight of Aleita“ so exceptional, is that SOVCOSMOS provide full collaboration, not only they shot movie in Starcity, but also scenes in Space !
NASA was bombarded with request form filmmakers like Ron Howard, James Cameron or Tom Cruise, for filming in Space, on board of US Spacecraft.
Administrator Goldwin out right refused them.
Challenger disaster costed us IRL from having Galileo in place to see SL-9 impact. Having close ups would have been magnificent.