
  1. Midge

    1955 A Better World

    Made this because I was bored, questions welcome
  2. Midge

    Empires of Old 1872

    I felt like mapping so I made this, questions welcome
  3. World Maps for Alternate History Timelines and Works on this Forum

    Inspired by the World Maps for Official/Published Alternate History Works thread, I feel an extreme urge and instinct to first and foremost look at a world map of a timeline or story so that I can even begin to like it, for me, the world maps write their stories, and not the other way around...
  4. Proposed WW1 war aims/wargoals mapped out by me

    Hello there Mapnerds, This thread is for the discussion of my maps and the underlying information/people it involves. Essentially what I do is I go into online archives and read WW1 proposals made by Germans and map them out for your enjoyment and information. The people I include range from...
  5. All level administrative Perfect M-BAM Thread

    I really love this map, but it has quite a few errors that I would like help fixing. If a QBAM map could be made with the first and fifth subdivision, we can do the same and more. >> There is only one way to...
  6. Switz

    K-7 Map Thread

    hello, if you have created a large alternate history map on this site you have probably used the q-bam. well, no offense, but the q-bam usually doesn't use any real methods other than "look at reference and draw," which makes it more of a drawing than a projection, and as...
  7. Altaic

    Middle-Earth Basemap

    So I've decided to make a new Middle-earth basemap, since Tomislav's one has been dead for 5 or so years. Yes, I know the projection made the map look wacky, but as I will include the entirety of Middle-earth I've decided to standardize Middle-earth into a real projection. Here's the coastline...
  8. Realm of Agysea: A Fantasy Worldbuilding Project
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Hello and welcome. This will be my first proper "Timeline" on this site, so i hope it will be a fun little Project but i will probably need some practice with proper formatting etc. I should also point out, that english is not my native language so some things might sound a bit funny. With that...
  9. European Balkanization - VT-BAM Edition

    I'm currently working on a long-term project creating a VT-BAM map of Europe with ahistoric maximum balkanization. The idea is to find the ideal aesthetic balkanization of Europe. Not only by adding the maximum amount of countries but also with internal divisions, vassal and puppet states...
  10. I need help figuring out my newest Napoleon Victory TL (Map included

    This time, unlike my last TL, I want to avoid France's dramatic population lag and confirm them as the #1 Power, more effectively neutering the UK and Russia. The lore this time is simple. I want to prevent Napoleon's four greatest mistakes. 1. Not Dismantling Prussia. 2. The Continental...
  11. Taco Shark's HOI4 (and other Paradox games if I play them) inspired Maps
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Inspired by @FasterThanRaito 's thread, I decided to play more HOI4 to make stories from them and post them here. However by playing I mean most of the time observing, since I am not too good at the game itself. I use my own mod for my own gameplay enhancements as well as Toolpack to strengthen...
  12. E-bam

    E-bam is a map project around European borderpool. I am the only worker rn but everyone can help the map is a european map from vt-bam
  13. 1940 : La France continue la guerre - France Fights On

    1940 - La France continue la guerre, also known as the Fantasque Time Line, is probably one of the most ambitious alternate history projects ever created. The original work can be read (in French) at this address: It is also being translated by @Wings on...
  14. Lake

    Cihan-ı Tariqia, a Tellurus inspired worldbuilding project

    Long story short, i am really impressed with the Tellurus project made by @Imperator Frank and many others. I want to start my project, Cihan-i Tariqia, except with a twist. This map will be used in a map game so all of the political history and the history in general will be written by players...
  15. ElEzequias

    Runeterra : When Things Goes South (ISOT IDEA)

    So a while ago i entered into an group of facebook (latam) about League of legends, to see if they really are that horrible as the internet says and some of them are (or at least on the group i entered) and while i was scrolling down on the group i found an strange meme: An isot (o...
  16. UtraseI

    Is there a 8K-BAM sized robinson projection map?

    Idk if this deserves it's own thread but is there an 8K-BAM sized robinson projection map? Not a Q-BAM sized one.
  17. Library of Alexandria

    Library of Alexandria's Worlda Patches: A thread
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Alright, so someone asked me to set up a thread for these here, instead of on DA, where they can find them easier. And, well, there haven't really been enough worldas here lately, so I thought I would! Apologies if this clogs the server a bit, there are quite a few images here, but they are...
  18. Alister Sinclair

    This is my first real attempt at alternate history, any suggestions on how to improve?

    This is set in 1947 a few months after Britain leaves India, only this time the states they leave behind are even less well constructed than OTL, being split into 16 states (Including Myanmar) rather than 2 like OTL, and also split not only through religion, but also ethnicity and with...
  19. Diversus world map

    List of major countries : Francia, Burgundy, Venizia, Aragon, North sea empire, Iberia, Austro Slovakia, Tatarian Empire, Russian rebels, Taiping Republic, Japanese Shogunate, Libyan Empire, Konigsberg, Hannover-Saxe. Date : 1910
  20. CactusCartocratus

    The 8K-Bam linguistic map

    So this is something I started, not sure if ill finish it, but help would be appreciated