For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

I take the opportunity to announce a major retcon : Afghanistan will keep its independence after 2020. Integrating them into Iran would have been too much of a stretch.
@MaskedPickle ! Got it and awesome work as always
Thank you.
What would a “Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914” online alternate history timeline look like ITTL?
WI Jaurès had been assassinated, for instance.
Can you do list of prime ministers of Khalistan and/or country profiles of Khalistan
Noted !
What would the long-term result of the coup have been, then?
Establishing another military dictatorship.
What exactly did Jean Marchand do to get a condemnation from the World Council?
Being too harsh on Quebec and French exiles there.
And on that note, what would be the defining works of alternate history be ITTL?
Another thing to add to my mind...
Gillard followed by Dutton is a real 180 degree spin of political alignments.
Australia is much more turbulent here.
List of heads of state of Kurdistan


Amazing work as always
Thank you !
“Assassination by a hit man at a 2001 fashion show”

I see what you did there! Was said hitman really, really, really good looking?
Ooooh! So that’s what it was referencing! I remember now! Nice stuff! 👌

Beat me to the Zoolander reference! Gah!
Rumour has it that the hitman later founded a center for kids who can't read good (and who wanna learn to do other stuff good too).
Guess what would be nice to know what would be equivalent to how ”the Nazis would have won had they made X, Y, and Z decisions” be vis-a-vis dumb tropes and cliches of CWR Victory TLs, then. On that note, what pre-1900 topics and tropes would be more popular in TTL’s AH.Com and why?
I think the Commune of Paris and John Brown's Raid succeeding would be popular in pre-1900 topics. Also, it would be similar to scenarios taken on in Kaiserreich.
Any details on that, then?
Quebec was home to many French exiles after the war who contributed to radicalize the Quebec independence movement. Marchand undertook a violent repression, putting Quebec under martial law.
Rumour has it that the hitman later founded a center for kids who can't read good (and who wanna learn to do other stuff good too).
And did that Center for kids later collapse by any chance? (Or do we not acknowledge the sequel here?)

Also, what other movies might be referenced ITTL as real life events? ;)
How would TTL react if OTL showed them this map of the world?

View attachment 903987

Germans: WTF did happen to Germany?
Poles: Damn, surely about half of ours population speak German.
Koreans: What the hell? Korea divided?
Ottomans: Well, we have not still all of territories what we had in 1914 but at least it is bigger than now (assuming that no one tells Ottomans that Turkey is republic).
France: Ours long-time dream has seemingly became true and we have Alsace-Lorraine.
Germans: WTF did happen to Germany?
Poles: Damn, surely about half of ours population speak German.
Koreans: What the hell? Korea divided?
Ottomans: Well, we have not still all of territories what we had in 1914 but at least it is bigger than now (assuming that no one tells Ottomans that Turkey is republic).
France: Ours long-time dream has seemingly became true and we have Alsace-Lorraine.
UK and Canada: Yay!
Ireland, Scotland, and Argentina: Nay!
Germans: WTF did happen to Germany?
Poles: Damn, surely about half of ours population speak German.
Koreans: What the hell? Korea divided?
Ottomans: Well, we have not still all of territories what we had in 1914 but at least it is bigger than now (assuming that no one tells Ottomans that Turkey is republic).
France: Ours long-time dream has seemingly became true and we have Alsace-Lorraine.
Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists could also be happy they now have their own homeland, now you mentioned it.
Np and another great list
Thank you !
And did that Center for kids later collapse by any chance? (Or do we not acknowledge the sequel here?)

Also, what other movies might be referenced ITTL as real life events? ;)
A sequel ? What sequel ?
I don't know, maybe the Gordy's Home Massacre in Nope could be used here.
Hope we get a wikibox.
Here you go !
Why John Brown’s Raid succeeding? Might as well ask.

Maybe because of Michael King Jr., Liberia, and Azania ITTL?
Yeah, due to increased African American conscience and average African nationalism.
How would TTL react if OTL showed them this map of the world?

View attachment 903987

Germans: WTF did happen to Germany?
Poles: Damn, surely about half of ours population speak German.
Koreans: What the hell? Korea divided?
Ottomans: Well, we have not still all of territories what we had in 1914 but at least it is bigger than now (assuming that no one tells Ottomans that Turkey is republic).
France: Ours long-time dream has seemingly became true and we have Alsace-Lorraine.

UK and Canada: Yay!
Ireland, Scotland, and Argentina: Nay!

Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalists could also be happy they now have their own homeland, now you mentioned it.
Armenia, Iran, all Arab countries : Nope.
China : Well, everything's o... OH WAIT
Germany, Hungary, Greece : NOPE NOPE NOPE
Poland : What the hell ?!
West Indies Federation : Why would we do such a thing ?
African countries : WTF
France, Spain, UK, Russia : WE ARE SO BACK
Bharatavarsha : We are united... But we gave Muslims a country ?!