
  1. WhovianHolmesianChap

    DOWN THESE MEAN STREETS: Accounts of alternate crime, mystery & thriller adaptations.🕵️‍♂️

    Hey, all! I'm here to present to a new collaborative joint, that I promised to create last year. I didn't get around to it due to both occurrences in my personal life, and overall laziness. But hey, it's here now! This is sort of a spiritual successor to my Sherlock Holmes TL (you are welcome to...
  2. WhovianHolmesianChap

    The One Fixed Point in a Changing Age: Alternate Sherlock Holmes filmographies!
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Hello all! Rejoice, for this is my first timeline!!!!!! (Seriously though, please go easy on me. I'm still new to all of this.) I shall be posting a series of alternate Sherlock Holmes films and tv shows. A few will be based on productions that were going to happen, but ended up falling...
  3. The Dead Goering Wore Yellow Garters - A Hollywood Land Adventure
    Threadmarks: Cover

  4. The Goering Slaying - A Hollywood Land Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter I

    Chapter I: Saturday, September 23, 1939 started off with a bang for me. As the clock struck midnight, I was in LA, at Ciro's, seated between a pair of out of work actresses and a guy who could blow himself, watching "Big Willy" Goering do a stand-up routine. Big Willy was a true Renaissance...
  5. Crying

    Favourite Obscure Civilizations?

    What are some civilizations (culture groups also work) that you never see get talked about, let alone have TLs written about them? The nations that you think are awesome, but don't seem to be very well known. Bonus points if you can convince someone to write a TL about them. ;) If this...