Recent content by Temmybear

  1. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    Small nitpick, you put in the names of the Japanese voice actors. The characters are Satsuki, Mei, and Tatsuo. Though I can't remember if the father is ever referred to as Tatsuo on screen.
  2. A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980)

    Back to animation :) Is Totoro going to get a full chapter?
  3. Oh what a circus! - A President Palin TL

    I am really enjoying the "Through the Looking Glass" feel to this. That Stewart and Colbert would do something so overtly political is odd, but still entertaining.
  4. USA* with Amerindian Culture.

    You could have a PoD that puts a pause of several decades for colonization in the 1630s or so. With the natives of the eastern seaboard with decent relations with the settlers you'll see a fair amount of trade and cultural exchange. Without continuous inflows of European settlers you'll get...
  5. A Red Dawn: American Revolution and Rebirth

    I'm thinking that WWII in this TL could start later and lasts longer. Here's a vague idea of how it could go. Germany goes pretty much the same as OTL with the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis. WWII starts similarly with the Nazis and USSR splitting up Poland causing...
  6. If You Could Change One Historical Event, What Would It Be?

    I'd go back and ensure that Firefly gets given a good, stable, not routinely crushed by football time slot. Perhaps on another network entirely. NBC has a history of picking some winners.
  7. DBWI: Harshest Treaty of Vienna Possible

    If the war had gone on longer then German leaders would be less inclined towards magnanimity, even compared to the Treaty of Vienna. Higher costs for the Germans even if the percentage amount of the reparations was the same (65ish percent of what the Germans had to pay IIRC) the amount the...
  8. The Crowned Eagle of Liberty

    *BUMP* This is a cool story and I'm really enjoying it but I have a few economic style questions. 1) Does this US Constitution prohibit export duties like the OTL Constitution? 2) Is Haiti's economy in 2009 OTL a high-tech economy similar to Singapore and Hong Kong? 3) Since the...